Karval Community Alliance
24 February 2009
Meeting Minutes

The new officers are Dan Merewether, President; Carl Stogsdill, Vice-President; Mags Carling, Secretary; and Sheri Logan, Treasurer.

Treasurer’s report – Sheri reported about $70 in new memberships and $100 in donations

It was resolved that a Financial Review Committee go over the Alliance’s books before Sheri Logan assumes her duties as treasurer.  The Financial Review Committee was appointed: Cherry, Letha, and Dan.
Dan Merewether will take care of changing names on the checking account. He and Sheri Logan will be added. Carl Stogsdill’s name will be retained. Letha Clark and Jeff Thornton’s names will be removed. Dan will also check to see if the names on the Alliance’s CDs need to be changed.


Photo contest – 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places will be awarded $15, $10, and $5 respectively for both open class and kids. Frances is coordinating this contest with the school. She has already delivered the information and will purchase cameras for the kids. The contest will begin the first week of March. Carl will check on getting the grand prize award through a camera shop. Family membership and/or local meats or products and/or free t-shirt/hat  and/or goodie basket could be given to judges.
We still need to discuss how to display the pictures and will need funds for that purpose.
Frances will need to account for spending the entire $500 grant. She will work with Dan on this. Dan will call Nancy Stoker to ask about typical prizes for such contests 303-759-5009

FFA RAW Tours (Ranching and Wildlife Tours)
Katie Merewether reported that she has a tentative field trip schedule, a possible Colorado Springs school to participate, and is planning a date for Karval elementary students’ field trip in last week of March. Mr. Carling is acting as sponsor. Joni and Cole James have joined the effort

Peak to Plains
Mags is in contact with webmaster and a link is being put on the Peak to Plains site.

Plover Festival assignments
4/24 Fri. evening - Willing Workers
4/25 Sat. morning – Branding Iron Calf-A cannot serve a special meal – they will be open regular hours this weekend
4/25 Sat noon – Friendship Circle confirmed
4/25 Sat evening – FFA still in the air – kids will probably not be able to attend

It was resolved to form a Food Committee. Winifred, Sheri, Frances, Mags, Betty Lee, and Cherry will serve on the committee. The Food Committee needs to consider snacks at Russell Davis’ ranch. Warm food might be very helpful.

A Friday night tour will need to be planned to watch nocturnal animals. Carl was added to the tour committee

Kay. does not have information yet on promotional items.

Steve has a PA system that needs 110V power, Letha has a portable system that she will check on. Farm Bureau might have a PA system that we can use.

Carl will check on getting Ken Morgan’s bluegrass band for entertainment Saturday evening. Past visitors really enjoyed hearing the students perform. Dan will ask Ann about that possibility.

Carl will talk to Farm Bureau to see if they will donate water bottles.

Liberty Waste Management is interested in providing facilities at $75 for the weekend.
Limon wanted $100 for the weekend. It was decided that these need to be provided. Steve Bailey will call to reserve.


Thanks to Tammy Thornton for creating a letterhead. We will work on getting it into a Word format.

Web Site
EnCompass magazine article is posted on the web site. The article will appear in the March magazine.
The web site grabs attention and has good content.

Mark agreed to create a blogging website about Karval and to be a collection point for Karval pictures. He could post bird alerts or playa alerts if it rains. These could be sent through e-mail. Russell suggested the inclusion of livestock pictures – spring babies, etc.

We need members to write up articles for the website.

Mags was going to check on sending e-mails to those who have attended past festivals.
The official Alliance e-mail address is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

List of Publications
The Alliance secretary needs to keep a list of publications in which Alliance activities can be advertised. The Plover Festival is posted on Colorado Life’s upcoming event list.
Frances may have some suggestions for other publications. – Prairie Development; Peak-to-Plains

Marketing Packet
Frances will help Mags with getting out first copy of the marketing packet.
Mags will send Eric a thank you and a free family membership for the free site hosting he is providing. She will ask Eric how large the site can become before he needs to charge the Alliance and ask about advertisement regulations on the site. She will also ask how a business directory could be formatted.

Business Directory
It was resolved that a business directory of Alliance members be created and placed online. All members will receive a free space in the directory consisting of only one line. A business card size space will cost $25. Larger spaces will be charged according to market value. Corporate members will receive a complimentary $100 ad. This advertisement will be maintained with annual renewal of Alliance membership.

The motion passed with 2 nays. Members expressed concern with the need for a written policy on advertising.

The business directory will provide a way to advertise local meats and products.

Gas station
It appears that the old school is being cleaned out. The demolition permit expires Apr 10, so it has to be down by then.

Karval is one of the best places in the US to view the sky. Websites are available to find out when certain astronomical events will take place. This is a possibility for future bird festivals. An expert could be found. Pastor Ben’s father is good at astronomy.

Russell Davis
Fish and Wildlife is concerned about ranching and conservation. A tentative meeting will be held on June 2 and 3. Key landowners and policy makers will meet in Denver to address issues in creating national organization on June 2. On June 3, there will be a tour of Russell Davis’ ranch followed by a BBQ on Wednesday night. 30-75 people are expected. Ken Salazar is invited. This is potentially a very big event for Karval and ranching.

It was resolved that the Alliance will assist with the event at the Davis ranch and the BBQ at the Community Building afterwards, tentatively from 5-8 p.m. The Plover Festival Food Committee will help to plan the barbecue. Steve Bailey is willing to donate soft drinks for this event.

Possible speakers at the event are Ken Morgan from Fish and Wildlife, Dan Merewether to talk about the Alliance, and possibly Jeff Thornton to give a Plover Festival presentation.

Russell Davis will keep us updated as plans progress.

Community Building
Steve reported that the electricity in the building has been rewired. Follow markings on outlets when plugging in roasters. There are now 7 different circuits that can handle roasters. Frances has labeled the circuit box. Read the labels! This was paid for by Friendship Circle.

Steve will look into what it would take to install outside lights on the building – solar sensitive with a switch.

Next Meeting(s)
It was resolved that the Alliance hold only one meeting in March that will focus on Plover Festival items (and the outside light addition).
The next meeting will be a potluck at 6:30 p.m. on March 24.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Additional information