October 20, 2010


ATTENDEES: Carl and Cherry Stogsdill, Frances Maskus, Jodi Kerr and Dan and Mary Merewether, Russell Davis, Rose Swenson, Sheri Logan

The meeting was called to order at 7:06 pm.

Sheri made the motion to approve minutes and Carl 2nd. All was in favor.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Sheri hand out the report. She put $5,000 in a CD with a 1.01% interest rate for 30 months. It does have a 3 month penalty for early withdraw. We did receive the $1,500 for fence marking. It was discussed the Alliance will make a donation to the school since they are storing the material at the end of the project. We made a $278.44 profit on the homecoming meal and do have over $100.00 worth of paper products left over as well from this event. All the extra pop has been sold.

Carl made a motion to file report, Russell 2nd the motion. All was in favor.

A $100.00 donation was made to the organization.


Plover Update: Russell reported on meeting with endangered species group regarding the plovers. We are in our 5th year of the festival and the research has been going on since 2001. Russell went to the group to make sure they know what it going on in the Karval community with the Plovers. Russell did a good job in representing Karval at this meeting and brought back good information for everyone to consider which way we should proceed.

Plover Brochures: The brochures have been printed and received. Carl and Cherry handed out brochures at the Entrepreneur workshop in Limon. Larra has sent out press releases and brochures to 15 organizations. Russell is going to another meeting on Monday and will take some brochures to hand out. All the meetings/workshops members are going to and handing out brochures should cover the requirements for our grant money. A reminder, last year the tourism board paid for the brochures.

Signs: After much discussion the following was decided for the sign:

Karval Colorado

Est. in 1911

Home of the Mountain Plover Festival



Our logo and a picture of a plover will be placed on it as well.


It was brought up that made we could get some tourism to help cover the cost or allow other organization place their logos on it as a sponsorship to help cover the costs. Nothing was voted on.

Mary made a motion to purchase the 4 banner signs and Sheri 2nd the motion. All was in favor. Carl will submit our suggestion to La Junta Sign Shop to come up with the final product and price.


PORTABLE PROCESSING UNIT: Dan spoke to Suzanne who attended the meeting in Fort Collins regarding the portable unit. The only extra information to report is that it was discovered that the water used in these units has to be inspected. The question was brought up: Would it be better to investigate a cut and wrap permanent processing plant here in Karval instead a portable unit?


RAW: It was announced that Kit Carson FFA might be interested in starting a RAW program. Sheri will look to see if there is any money left over to help start up another RAW program and will let Katie know about Kit Carson.


RV Park: Dan presented what has happened since last meeting regarding our RV park. He is filling out paperwork to see what grants are available. He is trying to collect all the necessary information including financial reports. Sheri does have all financial reports since she took over treasurer on the computer and it will be easy to print off. He is getting closer to finishing it all up. We are looking at a budget of $60,000 when all said and done. Larra Atwater has said that she will help write grants and investigate to see if there are other grants available to us or look over what we have to give us more input. It was suggested that we take Larra up on her offer.


CANOLA GRANT: Not much to report since last meeting. Carl has been looking into possibilities for somewhere to have a test plot. It is too late to plant this year; needed to be planted in August. Carl will find out more about canola planting. Dan reported that Suzanne thought there are two other plant locations that are being considered. Feasibility study grant deadline has been moved to December. Jeff found an individual in Wisconsin who might be a good resource.

FARMER’S UNION GRANT: We need to designate the grant money. This money has to be used towards an investigation of a co-op. The canola research has been moving forward better than any other idea. Carl made a motion to change the $4,000 grant money to be put towards the Canola study for the feasibility study, Frances 2nd the motion. All was in favor. Dan will contact Suzanne Mikkleson to let her know our decision.

PAYPAL: Sheri has talked to Eric regarding our website. It has been suggested we set up our own website that we can have easy access to and have a link placed on our original website. At this additional website we can set up pay pal, have registration to our Plover Fest, keep events updated, etc. Most of the time, these websites do have a small monthly charge.

Carl made motion to approve Sheri to set up a website that charges no more than $10.00 a month for Karval Community Alliance as well as setting up PayPal, Frances 2nd the motion. All was in favor.

CREDIT CARD: We need to seriously look into applying for a Karval Community Alliance credit card.


HALLOWEEN CARNIVAL: Everyone is busy and does not have time.

MEMBERSHIPS: No new memberships since last meeting. In December renewals will be sent out.


ARTS GRANT: Small Steps Grant has been applied for in the past to support our plover festival photo contest. There was some questions if we sent a report from our last grant but we did. Frances has copy of the report. We need to apply ASAP for the deadline should be close. Sheri made motion to have Larra look into Small Step Grant, Frances 2nd. All was in Favor. Carl will ask her to do that and Frances will send a copy of our last report to Larra to send in with the present application.

YEARBOOK AD and BASKETBALL ROSTER AD: Cherry made motion to place ads the yearbook as well as the upcoming basketball roster. The ad should include our mission statement and logo. For the yearbook a ½ page ad not to exceed $50.00 and the same add for the basketball roster as last year not to exceed $15.00. Frances 2nd the motion. All was in favor. Jodi will take care of it.

BUSINESS DIRECTORY: Will be placed on next month’s agenda.


NEXT MEETING: November 17th Wednesday at 7:00 pm.

The meeting was dismissed at 9:10 pm.


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