January 4, 2011

ATTENDEES: Carl and Cherry Stogsdill, Frances Maskus, Jodi Kerr, Sheri Logan, Dan Merewether and Jeff Thornton.

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm.

Carl made the motion to approve minutes and Sheri 2nd. All was in favor.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Sheri handed out the Treasurer’s Report. Not much to report this month. We grossed $162.00 at the Christmas Lightening Tour Dinner; which has not been deposited yet.

Jeff made a motion, 2nd by Carl to file the Treasurer’s Report as is. All was in favor.

Audit Committee: Is it possible to have an audit prior to the Annual meeting? After some discussion it was decided that since an overview financial report will be given at the annual meeting we can wait until March to have our internal audit. Cherry volunteered to be placed on the Audit committee. Sheri will ask Linda Yoder and Sandy Taylor if they would be interested in being on the committee. Jeff said he could help out if needed.

Sheri is going to file our 501c3 tax form.


PLOVER BROCHURES: We still have not received a bill on the brochures. Sheri checked with Lara and the company that printed the brochures is behind on their billing due to personal reasons. It was brought up if we should order any more brochures. Frances made a motion to order around 500 more brochures with Jeff seconding the motion. All was in favor. Carl will contact Lara to have her procedure with ordering us more brochures.

Carl announced he will try to go to the Crane Festival. If he goes he will take brochures and the board to promote our Plover Festival. Dan will look into when the Snow Goose Festival is and see if anyone would be able to go.

PLOVER FESTIVAL: It was discussed to have one person to be in charge of coming up with housing option for the people who needs housing during the Plover Festival. Jeff volunteered to come up with a list of possible individuals. It was also suggested to see if people would bring RV’s up to the community building for guests to use for the weekend.

It was discussed we may want to try to have some presentations for individuals to attend as well as tours. Did we receive any response to our sponsorships? Carl will contact Lara to check into this. If we can get some sponsorships maybe they can put on a presentation for the guests.

SIGNS: Carl presented three different samples of signs to choose from. He has checked and we still have permission to place a banner at each Karval turnoff on Highway 71. It will be placed 5 feet off the ground and back from the fence.

VOTE: 4 - 4 x 12 Banners. Background will be off white with a tractor and bull in the top corners. “Home of Plover Festival” and website address in the bottom corners. Carl handed out an estimated cost list for this project coming in at $2,576.24. Jeff made a motion to accept the banner sign as discussed. Frances 2nd the motion. All was in favor. Carl will stop by and order the banner. Thank you Carl for all the work you did for this project.

Jodi will complete the paperwork on the grant to the tourism board. She will include a picture of the presented banner and cost list.

DISPLAY BOARD: Carl took the Farm Bureau Board to Mr. Savage at Karval Schools. His students are putting together a package of how much it will cost. Sheri will talk with Mr. Savage to see how the project is coming along and present the time frame we are looking at.

Where is the display board that Frances made? Dan will contact Katie to bring it back at their next meeting.

RAW: Dan talked to Mr. Bridges to see if the school can add the RAW to the curriculum. He thought it could possibly be worked out. Carl talked to Katie and she is concerned since this is a student lead group that there may be some concerns if the students are being graded on it in regards to our grants. It is still a little early and will see what happens. It was discussed that Katie needs to be in the middle of this if discussed anymore so we won’t lose the grants.

ANNUAL MEETING: DATE: Thursday, January 27th at 6:30 pm.

Many ideas regarding this year’s annual meeting was discussed. It was decided to have a community appreciation supper in conjunction with our meeting. Sheri will talk to the Branding Iron Calf-A to see how many people she can handle and what type of supper/price she can give us. We can help with tables and rearranging the café if necessary. We will send the community invitation by mail using a bright color paper. RSVP will be made Cherry by phone or e-mail. Sheri and Jodi will oversee the invitation.

Jeff made motion for annual meeting to take place at the Café and the Alliance pay up to $10.00 a plate. Frances 2nd the motion. All was in favor.

MEMBERSHIP/WELCOME PACKET: Frances put together new membership packages to present to individual. Everyone is going to go through it to see if there are any changes. Dan has packages left over and we will use those before printing new ones. It was suggested to ask Connie at Post Office to hand out to new individuals in the community. If this works maybe she would be willing to oversee this and keep the packets updated.

CALENDARS: Lamp Lighters of Karval are dismantling and they sold the community calendars. It was discussed that this calendar contains Karval history and the community enjoyed receiving their calendars. It would be nice for the Alliance to sponsor the publication. It seems like the same businesses was in our directory, were also sponsors for the calendar, so maybe we can combine the two. Frances said she will ask Katie to see if this is something that she may be interested in taking over for the Alliance. Maybe Katie can talk to the Lamp Lighters and get an outline/disk. The Alliance can sponsor this service to the community so the history will not disappear.

CANOLA: No progress to report. Jeff, Carl and Dan will have a small presentation ready for the Annual meeting so the community is informed on what going on.

FARMER’s UNION GRANT: We still have not decided on how to spend this grant money. The grant money is designed to help research a co-op for the community. It was decided that since we have spend so much time in researching the Canola plant we will designate the money towards that. Dan will work up the in-kind for this project and get the information to Sheri ASAP so we do not lose this money.

CENTENNIAL MEETING: It was discussed on how the Alliance can help out the Centennial committee. After a long discussion it was decided to see if Tammy can come to our next meeting to present on how the Alliance can help. After hearing what the Centennial committee needs an official vote will be done on how the Alliance is going to assist in this historical event for the community.

RE-ELECTION: Carl, Steve, Jeff and Jodi are all up for re-election.

NEXT MEETING: February 8, 2011 at 700 pm

We are going try to meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month hereafter until the Plover Festival.

The meeting was dismissed at 9:22 pm.



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