Karval Community Alliance
Meeting Minutes
December 18, 2012
Attendees: France Maskus, Dan Merewether, Jack Nelson, Devin Seymour, Vicky Seymour, Carl and
Cherry Stogsdill, Katie Zipperer
Meeting called to order at 7:30 pm.
MINUTES: Last meeting was taken by Frances. Correction to the name “Burnidge”. Katie moved to
approve minutes with correction. Cherry 2nd. Minutes approved.
TREASURER'S REPORT: Discussed some calendar sales-last of the centennial calendars and the
amount paid for the sword. Carl motioned to table the report until answer were found. Frances 2nd.
Report tabled.
PROMOTION: Danielle Descarlos has be contracted for public relations for the plover festival. A
Facebook page for the Mountain Plover Festival has been created and has about a dozen followers at
this time. She sent an information sheet to be put on Lincoln County Tourism website. We discussed
changes to be made and returned to her.
STATE FORMS: Dan is checking if the 990 tax info has been filed. Non-profit papers have been
submitted to be filed by the Secretary of State.
FOOD PANTRY: Payments are up to date and there is funding through April. Any donations made to
the Department of Human Services are divided between Hugo and Karval unless they are designated
for one place or the other.
SCHOOL BUS: The bid on the 71 passenger bus of $1625 was accepted. Carl motioned to submit
payment for the bus. Jack 2nd. Frances said she had talked with Mr. Werner about storing the bus in the
school's bus barn for now. Dan will take the check and confirm that we can leave the bus in the bus
barn for now.
DORMAN BROTHERS: Carl has talked with Shaun Leonard and Mike Dorman. We still need to have
an official survey. There still may be a chance of getting a gas pump put in.
ENTERPRISE ZONE: ECOG has recognized us as an enterprise zone. Some questions were raised on
whether the tax refund can be used at the state and federal levels or only state. We will talk with Jo
Downy to get the answers.
CENTENNIAL FUNDS: Frances reported that the FFA and a computerized plasma cutter and they
want to make centennial signs to put up at each end of Karval. They will do this for free. Frances
suggested to use the centennial funds to make a replica of the “Little White Church”, which was the
first building in Karval.
2013 CALENDARS: Calendars are in. Some were sold at the school concert and some have be left at
the Calf-A to be sold with our other merchandise. They seem to be selling good. Cherry and Katie are
working on collecting for the calendar ads.
YEARBOOK AD: Katie contacted Denise at the school, but has not received a response yet.
ANNUAL MEETING: Dan will contact the class sponsors of FFA to see which group would be willing
to serve at the meeting. More needs to be planned, so we will have a special planning meeting on
January 8th.
Jack motioned to adjourn. Carl 2nd. Meeting adjourned at 9:01 pm

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