The Karval Community Alliance Board of Directors met with community members on January 29, 2009. Carl, Stogsdill, Board Chairman, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

The minutes from last years Annual Meeting and the minutes from the December 2008 meeting were approved as read. The Treasurer’s Report was accepted as given. Jeff said that the grant for the optic equipment for $500 had been received and it will show on next month’s financial report.


The annual state registration has been take care of for another year.

The web site looks great – thanks to Mags!

An article about the Annual Mountain Plover Festival will be on the back of the EnCompass Magazine for February. They will send some complimentary copies to us.

Photo Contest – We have received the $500 Small Steps Grant. Frances passed out the rules she has been working on. We will discuss further next month.

We discussed at length this year’s Mountain Plover Festival. We set some committees that will be in charge of different areas, as follows:
Tours & transportation – Jeff, Dan, and Russell
Vendor booths – Letha
History booth – Betty Lee
Friday evening – Willing Workers
Saturday morning – Betty will talk to the Calf-A
Saturday noon – Friendship Circle
Saturday evening – Marty will check schedule of FFA to see if they can do this again
Sunday morning – Lion’s Club
Sunday noon – Karval Community Alliance
Program – Susan will help work on this. Also Jeff will talk to Ann Savage.
Promotional items – Marty and Kay. will check on prices for hats, t-shirts, cups, etc.
Door prizes – It was suggested that we give registered guests a door prize ticket. All others would be charged $1.00 for a door prize ticket.
P.A. System, inside and outside & lights for outside – Jeff
Inviting Lincoln County Students & on-line students – Marty will contact schools.
Bus – School has 2 large and 1 small bus we can use
Water, juice, snacks for tours – Melvin & Aloha will bring water and candy bars
Additional restroom facilities – Will check with Steve to see if he will do again this year
Sunscreen & lip balm – Jeff will talk to Ashley Leonard

The brochures are all printed for the Festival. Carl said that we may need to order more.
Kay. and Mags are still working on a promotional folder for Karval. Thank you to Mags for the great job on the article in the newspaper about retaining the Economic Development Office.


Susann told us that she had attended a Peak-to-Plains Alliance meeting. They would give us a special $100 membership to help promote the Alliance to other members and through their website. Jeff made a motion that we become a $100 member. Vernon seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The Mountain Plover Festival will be in the brochure next year that is put out by Prairie Development Corporation.

The Division of Wildlife has installed a new cement bathroom facility at Karval Lake.

Winifred asked if the Karval Alliance would be interested in serving a Homecoming lunch. We will decide later.

Motion was made by Mags that we pay our land taxes and our PO Box rent. Seconded by Jeff. Motion carried.

Motion was made by Jeff that we reimburse Cherry $10 for the periodic report to the State and $14.70 in postage for this report. Seconded by Aloha. Motion carried.

Dan would like our in-kind slips through December 2008 for his records.

Eric Hilton has waived the website fee. Motion was made by Susann that we give him a family membership in exchange for this. Mags seconded motion. Motion carried.

Susann said that we should hear within the next couple of weeks about the SARE Grant. She also said that the USDA Development Office talked to them about a stationary and a mobile facility. They also asked about the progress on the RV Park.

We then went to election of Officers for the coming year. Nominations were accepted from the floor. They were as follows: Mags, Jeff, Carl, Steve. Letha made motion that nominations cease and that these 4 be elected by acclimation. Vernon seconded the motion and the motion carried.

All board members will convene immediately following tonight’s meeting and determine offices each member will hold.

Our next meeting will be Tuesday, February 24, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. with potluck.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Letha Clark, Secretary

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