The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Attendees: Dan Merewether, Katy Fitzgerald, Cherry Stogsdill, Letha Clark, Winifred Pepper, Betty Lee Bailey, Patricia Vice, Frances Maskus, Steve Bailey, Sheri Logan, Mark Carling, Carl Stogsdill, Russell Davis, Mags Carling

There were no concerns with or editions to the minutes from the previous meeting.

Treasurer’s Report
Three new memberships have been received. One of the CDs rolled over on August 2. There were few expenses over the last 3 months.

Astronomy Event

The astronomy event was a big success. We had three articles in the Limon Leader. Thanks to all who helped out. Saturday evening, 38 adults and 6 children ate. $208 was made with the dinner, selling pies, and donations. The Alliance will pay the school for the buses out of that profit. 40 people rode the bus on the first night. The bus was a good way to reduce traffic at the lake. About 70 people attended on Friday evening, 30 Saturday during the day, and 30 on Saturday evening.

Disability Concerns: Old people are having difficulty getting on and off the buses when they are used for Alliance events. Maybe a ramp can be constructed to fit the bus. We could look on the ADA web page to see if designs are available. More lighting was needed for astronomy participants at the lake: flashlights with red filters. Mowing the area in advance makes walking easier.

We need to advertise farther in advance to meet the requirements of the large media outlets. Dan will write to Ben Wentworth to thank him and his friends for their expertise.

Pat Vice
Steve Bailey moved that Pat Vice as director of Lincoln County Economic Development Corporation be made a member of the Alliance with voting rights. Cherry seconded. The motion passed.

Brian Hawkins is the man who did our Alliance logo. He requested that he be on the Alliance mailing list and would be happy to provide the information needed to make a leather stamp.

Matt Kales is the legislative liaison for Region 6. Pat Vice requested support for Ken Salazar to attend the Partners for Conservation as well as the Ports to Plains meeting in September. Pat would also be willing to write letters to our representatives to promote regional interests. If we send information on local events to her, she will post them on Facebook and help spread the news.

It has been three years since we did a community assessment. A follow-up was done by Darleen Stock. It is time for a second follow-up, possibly in November. This would be a dinner and maybe an hour and a half or two hours. This is called a Community Assessment Program (CAP) follow-up. Sheri Logan moved that this meeting take place. Frances Maskus seconded. The motion passed.

Russell Davis noted that the Alliance is already successful with bringing money into the community. We are learning what it will take to bring in investors. Much has been accomplished for the community so far.

A business development center is going to be formed. A 10-week course for business planning, marketing courses, and school leadership programs can be offered. A web site will be developed to advertise rental properties to meet the market that will open as the wind farm will be built. Basic membership will be $300 per year.

501c3 Update
Nothing more has been heard. The whole process took Pat Vice 11 months for the LCEDC. We applied last December, so we should be closing in on being finished. In order to maintain this status, a tax return must be filed each year, Form 990.

Partners for Wildlife Conservation Meeting
This is still scheduled for Wednesday, October 14. There is a budget of $8500 for the event, which does not have to all be spent. Donation sheets tracking time and mileage may actually be reimbursed. Other in-kind service will look good on future paperwork.

Centerpieces – Letha Clark has created 27 centerpieces. Zane Leonard donated the horseshoes. Each will have a card that tells about the kind of boot featured.

Meals Committee – Frances and Betty Lee – boneless prime rib, baked potato, baked beans, green beans, pies, homemade ice cream – Frances is estimating $800 for 125 people. It would be nice to have a large barbecue outside the building to set the tone.

Information Packets – Mags and Katy – Rough drafts of the packets have been created.
1.    The interface between ranching and wildlife conservation is working.
2.    We are educating the community about the interface between wildlife and ranching.
3.    We are promoting financial stabilization for the community through this.

These sheets can be used for other purposes in the future. A list of attendees could be provided in the packet.

We need balance between ranching and conservation. The cattle are important to maintaining the wildlife. This industry is important to the area and our way of life.
We need to find an FFA picture to represent Karval School. Mark will check with Joni.

Supplies/Set-up – Letha – We need to have the Ordway prison make banners, like “The community of Karval welcomes” and a second banner that says that name of the organization. Steve will check into the banners.

Decorations could involve getting inexpensive frames and printing color pictures of Karval area to post in the community building.

Letha has purchased white tablecloths and napkins and will purchase the plates and serving items. She will look into getting napkins from the cattlewomen’s association.

RAW Tours video – Katy is meeting with Katie and Joni tomorrow and will begin work on that.

Entertainment – Dan will speak with Ann Savage at the school about this. No poet will be invited. The toilet paper song is specifically requested.

Souvenir – Dan will talk with Linda James.

Tour vehicles – Carl is working on this. At least three trailers will be needed.

Tour refreshments – Sheri work on this for 120 people. Water, coffee, local jerky, and hot chocolate are ideas. Steve has antelope jerky and summer sausage. They should arrive around 3 p.m.

Port-a-potty - ??? In the works

Next Meeting: Tuesday, September 22 at 7 p.m.

Meeting Adjourned: 8:50 p.m.

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