Attendees: Carl & Cherry Stogsdill, Vicky Seymour, Jeff Thornton, Doug & Connie Stone, Jack & Sam Nelson, Debbie Kravig, Frances Maskus, Dan Merewether. Guests were: Kenny & Cheryl Bridges, Larry & Cindy Leonard and John Wacker.

Dan asked Frances to take the minutes in the absence of the Secretary. Minutes:

Dan made a motion to approve the minutes from Jan 10, 2012. Carl Seconded. Motion passed.

Treasurer's Report: Vicky received a check for $1,380.00 for the Karval Food pantry. Jeff made a motion to accept the treasurer's report. Debbie seconded. Motion passed.

Karval School: Superintendent Kenny Bridges explained that the school is NOT closing, according to the gossip. He inherited a mess the first year and has finally straightened things out. The Commissioner of Education will be at the school on March 1, 2012 at 9:00am and Mr. Bridges encouraged everyone to come, ask questions and to explain our school, around 9:30am. Looks like we will have approximately 25 students and approx. 150 students online. We need 200 online. The school will be OK next year and maybe the next year. SB191 hasn't worked in the other states but Colorado is putting a lot of money into it. Academics with the online students is the school biggest problem. Everyone thanked Mr. Bridges for coming and explaining the situation.

Brochures: We have a lot left and need to get them circulated. Carl asked for everyone to take some and give them out wherever they go. Jeff made a motion to pay Carl $26.55 for postage on mailing out brochures. Sam seconded. Motion passed.

Art Committee: Cathy told Dan that she thinks it is to big of a project this year. Cathy would like to have a Coloring contest with the school. After discussion Dan will ask her if she would just have Art Contest like the photo contest for this year & try for the next year. Rowen Monks husband follows the artist contest.

Insurance: Tabled till next time. Dan will talk to Tim Andersen about liability insurance for the Plover Festival this year. Russell Davis is on the school policy for the RAW tours.

Website: Dan would like to update the business directory, remove old stuff and clean it up some.

Credit Card: Carl motion to take Sheri information off the store. Jeff seconded. Motion failed. Carl made Another motion to have Vicky check into a credit card from the First National Band of Hugo/Limon, to do it and replace Sheri info on the website. Debbie seconded. Motion Passed. Dan will also check with Farmers Union.

Tourism Grant: Include the following: Port Potty, Brochures, Raptor program, Bus expense (fuel & rental), insurance and Entertainment. Dan will do this for their next meeting.

Entertainment for the Plover Festival: Carl made a motion to get the Band "Shadow Rider's", Ann Savage guitar players(for 30 min.) Joni James speech (for 10min), and the Raptor program (for 15 min.) Debbie Seconded. Motion passed.

Meals: After much discussion Debbie made a motion on the following list: Friday evening--Willing Workers Saturday Breakfast—FFA Saturday Lunch---Friendship Circle Saturday Evening—Larry Leonard—Chuck Wagon Sunday Breakfast—Larry Leonard—Chuck Wagon Sunday Lunch—Lions Seconded by Jeff. Motion passed. Dan will check with the Lions to see if that's OK with them to do lunch instead of breakfast. Larry said he would need $10.00 a plate for the Saturday Evening meal. Possible the Sunday Breakfast will be a donation meal. At the 4th of July the Breakfast meal made approx $705.00 for the elementary grades at school. This will be decided at the next meeting. A schedule from last year's festival and a list of committees was handed out. No committees was set up except for housing.

Housing: Dan has 3 people coming for the Festival. One needs a RV hookup. Debbie said she has a Hookup they can use. Connie volunteered to be the person to organize housing for the guests.

Dan has received notification from 13 people asking about the Plover Festival, even one that wants to come early. Carl said he would show him around.

Amendment to By-Laws: Dan has not written up the amendment yet. It was voted on at the annual meeting. We cannot Pay a salary to anyone. Need to check the process about changing the By Laws.

Next meeting: March 12, 2012, 7:00pm

Adjourned 8:45pm Frances Maskus

Board of Directors Meeting
Feb. 28, 2012

Called to order at 8:50pm following regular meeting. Attendees: Dan Merewether, Carl Stogsdill, Vicky Seymour, Jeff Thornton and Jack Nelson Guests: Cherry Stogsdill, Sam Nelson and Frances Maskus(took minutes for Katie)

Jeff made a motion that all officers stay the same for this year. Vicky seconded. Motion passed.

Officers are: President—Dan Merewether Vice-President—Carl Stogsdill Secretary—Katie Zipperer Treasurer—Vicky Seymour Directors are Jeff Thornton, Russell Davis and Jack Nelson.

Adjourned at 8:55pm

Frances Maskus

Additional information